Mental health should have always been at the forefront of many of our lives. We have many people who struggle in life from day to day. And others don't care if it's not them or if they haven't experienced it. Mental health has always been a big deal, but a light hasn't shined on it this brightly across the world for the whole world to stop in motion. COVID-19 sparked awareness for mental health so hard that the whole world stopped and put many businesses on pause to focus on mental health and health in general. It should have gotten to that point when it comes to health in general. We should always be taking care of both our physical and mental health. That is why mindfulness is so important for mental health on this earth. Mindfulness is acceptance of the moment that you are in. This means that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without passing judgment on them. Accepting them but knowing we can change the preventive of every moment that were are in.
I believe that mindfulness is the key to good mental health and keeps you healing on your mental health journey. As to healing, rather than switching to substances and other things that are not going to help you stay healthy mentally, With mindfulness, you gain so many values for your health—mentally, physically, and spiritually. But very tremendously, with spirituality, it starts to open you up to the truth of your reality. And you get a better understanding of yourself and the world around you. Helping you strengthen your mental and emotional self-control. Which happens to introduce you to yoga and meditation. Once you start to meditate in general, it helps you strengthen your mindfulness. Staying in the moment and connecting with everything, perhaps to center oneself and find some peace before returning to the fight. When you meditate and are in oneness, you are calming your mind and body down from all distractions around you.
Photo by Madison Inouye:
Being mindful is nothing mysterious or foreign to use daily; we happen to do it automatically before knowing what it is sometimes. We are accustomed to it since it is what we already do and how we have grown up to be. It has several names and many different forms depending on what area of knowledge you are in. Being mindful is not something we do on a voluntary basis when we don't want to feel bad. We don't need to alter who we are as people in order to be present at the moment. We have often failed at implementing solutions that use our learned makeup to alter who we are or who we are not. But sometimes we may develop these intrinsic attributes through straightforward routines that have been done daily or have been shown by science to be advantageous for our loved ones, friends, neighbors, coworkers, institutions, and organizations in which we participate.
There is supporting data on how much mindfulness helps in life. Mindfulness does not require faith on your part when doing it. It is very beneficial for our health, happiness, work, and relationships, as shown by research and experience. It's an approach to life that everyone has access to, taking on the mindset of mindfulness, which you can gain a lot of benefits from learning. Mindfulness practice doesn't require everyone to change their whole viewpoint on the world. Mindfulness reduces unneeded stress and infuses mindfulness and compassion into all we do. Mindfulness can help us find efficient, tenacious solutions that are natural. Rather than depending on unhealthy things that will cause further damage in life. This exercise is intended to ease tension, anxiety, and other unpleasant emotions, help you control your anger when it does, and improve your ability to concentrate.
Photo by cottonbro studio:
I believe that mindfulness is the key to good mental health, keeping you healing on your mental health journey. As to healing, rather than switching to substances and other things that are not going to help you stay healthy mentally. With mindfulness, you start to regain your trust in yourself. It helps you strengthen your faith. Because faith is the currency in the earthly realm. Faith is what makes you rich in spirit and physically. Belief is another good one when it comes to mindfulness. To keep the belief, you can know that you can change your perspective and find the good in things even when they are rough. But you don't focus on the bad; you focus on the good. You can acknowledge and feel the feeling of that moment and realize if you need to for a healthy release because if you keep it bottled up, it will be bad for you and your environment.
I acknowledge that in hard times, it can be extremely hard to focus on something positive or to change your behavior. When you may not know where your next meal is coming from. You don't know how you are going to pay your bills because you may not have a job. But when you are able to calm yourself in mind, body, and spirit, you can take things one bite at a time rather than trying to eat the whole elephant. It makes your life go smoother than rushing, worrying, and stressing. Because if you are in the mood or moment of any of those. Things can get mixed up or messed up in the process. When you could have been calm the whole time and gone through a much better process. And stress isn't good for your health. What is good for your health is taking things one at a time. It doesn't have to be a big, large step, as we always feel, because those little, small steps add up to big steps or even larger steps than the initial step you would have taken before.
At the end of this essay, I truly hope you see my point about why mindfulness is so important and is a key value in any aspect of life. It is one of the solutions to help with mental health, depending on the disorder. Because life has challenges and won't ever be easy. But we can make our process and journey through life smoother than it would be if we didn't practice mindfulness as we should. And not everyone has the natural habits of mindfulness.
- Photo by Tara Winstead:
May 15, 2023