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Love Tu Nourish N Nature

Wild Flower Espom Salt Bath

Wild Flower Espom Salt Bath

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Earths Touch Yoni Soak

Earths Touch Yoni Soak provides your bath with more connectivity to mother nature with each scoop with the beautiful.

Earths Touch Yoni Soaking is another alternative way to Yoni Steaming (V-Steaming) for those who aren't quite comfortable with it yet. This is a Lovely Nourishing way to relax in the tub. While You are able to reduce stress and relieve sore muscles. As the oils get extract in the warm water providing You, Your YONI, Your Temple, and Your System with Lovely Melanin Company Nourishments.

Earths Touch Yoni Soaking can take practice, especially if it is new to you. If one practice living a life of tenderness when it comes to oneself, abundant energetic resources reveal themselves. Remind yourself of the preciousness of the body you inhabit, the mind you utilize, and the heart you hold dear, by following a way of life which respects and adores the self. It is possible to be whole. 

When you first begin using Earths Touch Yoni Steam, it is possible you might experience a release of emotion, like tears. This does not happen to everyone, but it can. They are simply clearing out those old beliefs to make room for something better. You may notice benefits immediately and sometimes it may take several days or weeks or even months to get where your body needs to be to help nourish your body back to health. Give yourself time and patience to allow these powerful vapour oils to go to work for you. 

Benefits of Bathing with our Yoni Soaks:

Soothes skin irritation The anti-bacterial properties of our special salt blend, rose, lavender, and calendula soothe damaged skin and common skin disorders like eczema.

Heal wounds and bruises The Epsom salt and essential oils relieve sunburns, cuts, and bruises. Soaking also helps your skin cells regenerate faster.

Fights depression & anxiety Lavender provides stress relief so when you are soaking in a hot bath the soothing smells of the flowers will provide calming aromatherapy to ease your mind. These minerals keep your Yoni skin hydrated and wrinkle-free.

Product size: 1 OZ

How to Use : 1 Soak = 1/2 Cup 


Please Note That:

This product can not replace drug treatment.

Don't use if you're pregnant, have an acute infection, open sores, rashes, IUD, during menstruation, and discontinue use if you are allergic. 
Not liable for bad allergic/ reactions/ injuries.

I hope that information helps you understand how and what the Yoni Soak provides you with if you need any more information you can see our Instagram page @lovelymelaninco or feel free to email us at

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